
About Labs

Illuminating Innovation | Accelerating Research


Illuminating Innovation | Accelerating Research

IOS Press Labs is a virtual meeting place where we can share what’s happening behind the scenes at IOS Press and what we’ve learned with all of our communities: readers, authors, editorial board members, reviewers, librarians, developers, and business partners.

Take a peek at what we’re thinking and doing!

This website is a place where we can explore possibilities with you. From our latest technological advancements that impact knowledge sharing, innovative content developments, and intelligent tools to our participation in pioneering scholarly information industry initiatives and our insights into trends in the publishing ecosystem.

Find out more about IOS Press here.






Martin Van Aken


Martin van Aken  Software developer who worked on LD Connect at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL 
Latest blog: 
LD Connect: Sharing Publication Metadata for Scientific Advancement


Cristina Bucur, IOS Press Labs contributor


Cristina Bucur Researcher in semantic web and artificial intelligence at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL 
Latest blog: 
A New Approach to Scientific Publishing using Semantic Web Technologies


Sudeshna Das


Sudeshna Das – Assistant professor of neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, USA 
Latest blog: 
Alzheimer DataLENS: New Portal that Makes Data Available to Neuroscientists


Tom Demeranville


Tom Demeranville  Product director at ORCID in Bath, UK 
Latest blog: 
Five Easy Ways to Get the Most Out of ORCID – For Both Researchers and Organizations


Eeva Furman


Eeva Furman  Professor at the Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland 
Latest blog: 
Towards Sustainability: Making Systems Transformations to Realize Agenda 2030


Michael Gruenberg


Michael L. Gruenberg  Library sales consultant based in Venice, FL, USA 
Latest blog: 
A Publisher's Perspective: Best Practices to Meet the Needs of the Scholarly Library Community


Pascal Hitzler


Pascal Hitzler  Director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Manhattan, KS, USA 
Latest blog: 
Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art


Tobias Kuhn


Tobias Kuhn  Assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at VU Amsterdam, NL 
Latest blog: 
Welcome to the New Era of Scientific Publishing


Julie Petro


Julie Petro  Director of communications at ORCID in Indianapolis, IN, USA 
Latest blog: 
Five Easy Ways to Get the Most Out of ORCID – For Both Researchers and Organizations



Chris Shullum

Chris Shillum  Executive director of ORCID in New York, NY, USA 
Latest blog: 
Five Easy Ways to Get the Most Out of ORCID – For Both Researchers and Organizations


Carmel McNamara, IOS Press Labs contributor

Carmel McNamara  Former marketing and communications manager and Labs editor at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL 
Latest blogs: 
Celebrating 35 Years: A Moment for Reflection and Looking to the Future 
The Future of Science Publishing – Focus on Nanopublications and Formalization Papers 
Explore the IOS Press Website and Get Insight into Our Initiatives 
COP26: Online Exhibition Showcases Books on Climate Change 
Partnership with Pistoia Alliance Opens Up Knowledge Sharing Opportunities 
Setting Targets for Working Sustainably and Inclusively 
Welcome to Labs – A Space for Conversation 
Knowledge Graphs: Making Our Structured Data Stand Out

Creating a GO FAIR Implementation Network for Academic Publishers 
The First Year of Publishing in a Pandemic 
Supporting Authors Disseminate Research Through Preprint Publication 
Towards FAIR Principles for Research Software 
Designing a Scalable Infrastructure for Journal Websites


Bharat H. Desai, PhD  Jawaharlal Nehru University, Centre for International Legal Studies, New Delhi, India 
Latest blog: 
The Audacity of Hope for People and Planet: Rescue Plan for 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: Part – I

Rutger Buhrs


Rutger Buhrs - Marketing Manager at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL 
Latest blog:    
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (JAD) Expands Outreach to Underrepresented Researchers from Africa and South America


Valerie can den Berg


Valerie Nicole van den Berg  Former community management coordinator at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Communicating Who We Really Are


Dominique De Cooman


Dominique De Cooman – CEO and co-founder of Dropsolid in Gent, Belgium    
Latest blog:    
Agile Working in Digital Publishing


Stephanie Delbecque



Stephanie Delbecque – Former digital product manager at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Visual Identity: The Story Behind the New IOS Press Logo


Astrid Engelen, Publishing Consultant, Amsterdam, NL


Astrid Engelen  Publishing consultant based in Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Addressing the Challenges of Open Access Infrastructure


Lauren Grieco


Lauren Grieco – Marketing manager and Labs editor at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Shining the Spotlight on Women and Girls in Science


Darrell Gunter, Labs contributor


Darrell W. Gunter  Director and CEO of Gunter Media Group in Ambler, PA, USA    
Latest blog:    
Blockchain and the Scholarly Publishing Industry: Five Developments to Watch


Pim van Holst


Pim van Holst  Marketing manager at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Sustainable Marketing at IOS Press: A Journey Towards Sustainable Marketing


Romana Labrosse


Romana Labrosse  Communications professional in New York City, NY, USA    
Latest blog:    
How Are Academic Societies Managing their DEIA Initiatives?


Hodan Mursal

Hodan Mursal  Former data analyst at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
LD Connect: Sharing Publication Metadata for Scientific Advancement


Gabriela Ricci headshot


Gabriela Ricci  Publications manager and research integrity officer at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
Working Together for Research    
IOS Press Pursues Sustainable Development Goals via the Publishers Compact    
IOS Press Pursues Sustainable Development Goals via the Publishers Compact - 2023 update


Susan Spilka


Susan Spilka  Communications consultant in New York City, NY, USA    
Latest blog:    
How Are Academic Societies Managing their DEIA Initiatives?    


Rasjel van der Holst

Rasjel van der Holst  Publisher at IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL    
Latest blog:    
IOS Press reflects on the 2023 Academic Publishing in Europe Conference

Calling Blog Contributors

Want to contribute? Find out how! 
If you are familiar with the technical projects of IOS Press or software developments for scholarly publishing in general and are interested to contribute an article to this site, please get in touch!

  • If you have an idea to write about technical innovations for scholarly publishing and wish to write a post on a topic close to your heart, we would love to hear from you.
  • If you have your own blog on topics that you feel would be relevant and wish to share your content, we can re-post here if you get in touch and let us know.
  • If you are a researcher and are open to doing a Q&A with us, please get in touch and we'll send over some questions.


All authors of blog posts will be cited in the published item and a short profile can be included at the end of your piece, if provided.


Guidance on Blogs

Contributions from individuals with wisdom to share on hot topics in scholarly publishing are welcomed. We strongly encourage those interested to reach out prior to drafting the post:

  • Blog posts must cover a topic important to scholarly publishing, technical developments, or a related topic.
  • Blog posts will be reviewed by the site editor(s), along with external experts as appropriate.
  • Blog posts should be factually and scientifically sourced and accurate. As appropriate, please provide reference citations with links.
  • References are not always necessary in blog posts, though if they required, then it is recommended no more than 10 can be cited.
  • Blog posts may not be defamatory.
  • IOS Press reserves the right to edit for grammar, length, clarity, and editorial style. Authors will be advised of edits prior to publication.
  • The suggested length for posts is 300 to 1500 words.
  • Authors retain copyright on their content and may reproduce it elsewhere. IOS Press retains the right to use the content on promotional materials for the journal. We encourage authors to share the website link when promoting the article. The post can be cited according to the following style: 
    • “Article Title” by Author, IOS Press Labs (<add publication date, month, year>); link: <add URL> (last accessed: <add date>).

Next step: 
Anyone interested to contribute to the Blog section can get in touch by email with your ideas and any questions. We ask you to follow style sheet (see here) before starting to write your article for your submission and we will issue a few further instructions once a blog post is commissioned. We looking forward to hearing from you!



The team at IOS Press responsible for the Labs website include:

Project lead: Rutger Buhrs, Fleur Kila & Lauren Grieco
Marketing support: Eileen Leahy
Website development: Dropsolid

Founding team members: Astrid Engelen, Stephanie Delbeque, Carmel McNamara


Homepage lightbulbs visual, credit: Wilhelm Gunkel 


We welcome your feedback. You can submit comments via the button below. You can interact with the blog authors and other site users by registering with the site and commenting on posts (you will need to be logged-in to comment).